How healthy is your cargo?


The following article by Absortech Group explores the adage that prevention is better than cure. So too does this ring true when it comes to the health of your cargo and avoiding the effects of moisture damage.

The moisture damage doctor will see you now. 

Medical professionals know that prevention is better than cure. Yes, they have the fancy technology and expensive pharmaceuticals to successfully treat many illnesses and diseases. But it’s still much, much better to prevent the illness in the first place and keep people healthy.  

That’s why giving people regular check-ups, blood tests and screening them for underlying conditions is the best way to manage people’s health and deliver the best outcomes.  

“OK, you’ve reminded me about my annual check-up … but what does this have to do with my cargo?” A very good question. 

Well, checking the health of your moisture damage prevention and screening for any serious risks to your cargo is what we do at Absortech. Specifically, that’s what our Peace of Moisture Mind® process (POMM) is all about.  

Making the right diagnosis

See us as your moisture damage doctor. And see the very first step, Audit, as a check-up where we diagnose your situation and how to treat it. In the following steps (Dimension, Validate and Implement) we provide effective treatment and, like any good doctor, we follow up to make sure it’s working as planned. All to ensure that your cargo stays as healthy as possible — and you avoid the costly risks that can be lethal to your bottom line.  

  • For example, during the Audit, we might discover that the wooden pallets used for shipping are left outside in the rain before loading. And 3x the moisture protection is needed to compensate for this excess moisture…
  • Or we find that metal goods are being individually packed in special plastic bags, also with an in-bag desiccant, when the right container solution would save a lot of time and money — and be much more effective too…

Treat the whole container. Not just the cargo.

Because controlling and minimizing moisture in the container as a whole is the best prevention of all. And when you use other solutions or compensate with over-dimensioning, you’re effectively popping painkillers to feel healthy. But the source of your pain is still there. And the pain will keep coming back – trust your doctors on that.  

A full health check. With your clothes on.

Rest assured, we won’t ask you to strip off and cough. But a well-executed moisture damage prevention strategy needs to go deep into how goods are supplied, packaged, loaded and shipped. Covering the amounts and types of desiccants to be used, making sure they are available when needed, and educating personnel during packaging and loading. But it’s worth it – we do this together with you to ensure your goods arrive in the healthiest condition and you have complete peace of mind. 

Read more about the POMM moisture damage prevention process here. Reach out to our team at Protection Experts Australia to arrange your next check-up. 

Moisture damage 101 – What is container rain?


The following article by Absortech Group takes a look at container rain. What is it and why don’t they just keep the roof closed?

The first thing to say about container rain is that it isn’t like normal rain. You won’t open a container door to see that it’s turned into the showers at the gym. But the moisture-damaging effect on precious cargo is certainly like leaving goods out in the rain.

In actual fact, container rain is more like the dewy moisture that collects on the outside of a cold glass of beer or lemonade on a hot summer’s day. And just like your glass, you’ll want to put some protection like a coaster down so that the moisture doesn’t damage the antique table that’s been in your partner’s family for three generations…

Dewly noted

The science goes like this: when warm air meets the cooler surface of a chilled glass or steel container walls and ceilings that cool at night, the moisture in the air condenses on that surface. This condensation creates small water drops, which are drawn to each other to create larger drops. And finally these drops get so big that they fall down onto your shipment of high-tech, sensitive electronics or finely graded, powdered chemicals.

So how much of a temperature drop is needed to make it “rain”? A drop of 5°C is often all it takes. Which, with the warm days and cool nights of shipping by sea, effectively means there’s always a big risk.

Container breathing as well?

Unfortunately, it gets even worse for our sea cargos. Because these long-haul voyages take weeks, there may be 20, 30 or even more of these day/night temperature changes. And each time, the air inside warms and expands during the day, spilling out of the container. Then contracts as it cools at night drawing in more humid sea air from the outside. This is known as container breathing, and it means new moisture (and rain) to protect against every time the container “breathes in”.

Wait a minute. Container disco!!!?

Whenever you close the container door a disco starts up inside, then when you open the door it immediately stops … Don’t worry, we made that up.

Just checking you’re still with us.

What can you do about container rain?

Quite a lot is the reassuring answer. All it takes to protect expensive cargo is a little extra care and a simple, cost-effective moisture prevention strategy:

1. Make sure the container doesn’t have holes or damaged doors

A container that’s in good condition only allows air and moisture to move in and out slowly. Which will make a huge difference. But you can also tape over the ventilation holes for almost all shipments – except certain organic materials like cocoa that contain a lot of moisture that will easily evaporate into the air and can cause container rain from within.

2. Make sure the container and its contents are dry at the very start

Containers are normally washed before loading. But to avoid leaving the container too wet, avoid high-pressure washing and make sure excess water is dried up.

And remember – the pallets, wooden dunnage and sometimes the goods themselves will also bring in extra moisture. When the temperature rises in the container during the day, this moisture on the floor and in the pallets, packaging material and goods will evaporate into the air. Increasing the humidity and, in turn, greatly increasing the risk of container rain once the air cools at night.

3. Take care of any extra moisture with high-quality, reliable desiccants

Once you’ve minimised the moisture in the container at the start and avoided too much air flow during the voyage, you just need the final, yet all-important touch – desiccants that you can rely on and that will give you and your cargo a generous buffer. A top-quality, cost-effective desiccant solution from a trusted supplier (cough Absortech) means you can remove excess moisture from the air. And prevent the build-up of moisture to levels where it causes container rain and damage to goods.

Container rain

Container rain happens when containers experience temperature changes during shipment and you also have humid air and/or excess water in the container.

Which can mean the vast majority of shipments. But hopefully this has given you a good grasp of container rain and how to avoid it.

This article was written by the Absortech Group appearing in the May 2022 Moisture Magazine. For further insights check out the Absortech Group Moisture Magazine. Protection Experts Australia is the exclusive distributor of Absortech products throughout Australia.

Pro-Ex offer a range of shipping desiccants to help you manage the risks of container rain, making sure your goods arrive in the condition they left. Contact us today.