How Absorgel Helps Solve Moisture Problems
Insurers estimate that 12% of all container shipment damage is moisture related, which translates to substantial product wastage and a hit to the bottom line. Moisture forms within shipping containers as a result of two factors:the relative humidity of the loading location. Increased moisture in tropical climates such as Australia is trapped and held within the container creating condensation. Temperature changes en route. The amount of moisture the air can hold doubles for every 10 degrees Celsius over normal temperatures. Considering the changing weather conditions, day and night time extremes and the distance goods have travelled, there can be significant fluctuations to the relative humidity within a container.Container rain, or “sweat” is the condensation that takes place within a sealed shipping container. Similar to a cold drink left in the sunshine, the water accumulates on the coldest parts, which in the case of a shipping container is typically the walls and ceiling of the container, hence the prospect of container rain. Absorgel Hanging provides a high moisture absorption solution with no liquid water residue. Using calcium chloride it aggressively extracts the water from the air binding it into a gel so no liquid water can leak. It is easy to use and is ...